Staying up late is a common habit among young people nowadays. Due to various reasons such as work, watching movies, entertainment, etc., young people often stay up very late. So, does staying up late stunt your growth? Does it affect your height development? This article will answer all your questions.
Does staying up late stunt your growth?
Staying up late does not directly affect height development, but it does somewhat slow down the growth process in the future. To put it simply, staying up late can delay your height development compared to normal. Besides, staying up too late also affects your health and daily activities.
During the first few hours after 10 PM is when height development occurs most rapidly. This is the time when growth hormones in our bodies are produced the most. That’s why maintaining a habit of sleeping early, sleeping on time will help height develop the best.
Not only is sleeping early important, but you also need to have a healthy lifestyle, a scientific diet to both help height development and protect your health.
Read more about the 5 best ways to increase height at any age from HIUP to immediately practice habits that help you grow taller effectively.
Factors negatively affecting your height
In addition to staying up late slowing down height development, there are many other factors that affect this. So what are those factors? Let’s find out below!
Nutrient-deficient diet
Your daily diet accounts for more than 30% of height growth, especially for those who are in the adolescence stage. That’s why, to achieve the best height development, you should have a scientific diet with sufficient nutrients.
If you often have nutrient-deficient diets, skip meals, your height will be significantly affected. Besides, having a balanced diet not only helps maximize height growth but also protects your health.
Lack of exercise
Exercise is a method that helps stimulate maximum height growth. You can choose any sport such as swimming, volleyball, badminton, etc., to exercise, it doesn’t have to be too difficult, just exercising regularly and diligently will greatly help height development.
In addition, regular exercise also helps the organs in the body function well, promotes nutrient exchange and better nutrient absorption in the body. Conversely, if you don’t exercise, you may not achieve the desired height and also affect your health.
Eating too many oily, fatty foods
Oily, fatty foods will cause your body to absorb less calcium, thereby slowing down the height development process. Along with that, foods high in fat also cause problems such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, etc., which are dangerous to health.
What time should you go to bed for the best height growth?
Research has shown that going to bed around 9 PM every day or before 10 PM is the best time for your height development. Along with that, for children over 10 years old, going to bed at 10 PM stimulates strong growth hormone secretion.
Tips for effective height growth during sleep
Having enough sleep not only affects health but also relates to height development. Therefore, create a habit of going to bed on time for your body to develop comprehensively. Along with that, you need to pay attention to the following tips for effective height growth during sleep:
Make sure to create a habit of getting enough sleep every night, avoid staying up too late or going to bed too early.
Sleeping posture also affects height development, so maintain the right sleeping posture.
Choose a comfortable mattress because it will help you have the deepest and most comfortable sleep.
With the above shares, hopefully, it will help you answer the question of whether staying up late stunts your growth. Although it is understood that many people need to stay up late to complete their work or have too many assignments to study. However, you also need to pay attention to your health and arrange your time properly, thereby helping your body develop healthily and tall.
The above article has provided useful information about the relationship between sleep and height development. To understand more about how to calculate future height for children, parents can refer to formulas for calculating children’s height to calculate the future height of their children.
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