Not only is it a delicious and cheap fruit, orange juice also brings countless benefits to our health. So does drinking orange juice increase height? How to supplement orange effectively? To answer these questions, please follow the following article with HIUP!

1. Nutritional composition of oranges

Orange juice contains many nutrients that are extremely beneficial for the body. Just by drinking a glass of orange juice every day, you can consume 112 calories, 26g of carbohydrates, 2g of protein and 21g of sugar. Along with that are vitamins and minerals necessary for the body such as: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, fiber, microgram carotene, chromium,… of which.

The abundant vitamin C content in orange juice helps prevent oxidation, beautifies the skin, strengthens the immune system as well as enhances the body’s resistance.
Soluble fiber found in orange juice helps laxatives and reduces constipation.
Orange juice detoxifies toxins in the body and enhances kidney function.
Calcium in orange juice is very good for the development of bones and teeth, thereby helping to increase height effectively.
Folate found in orange juice helps protect cells from free radicals, helping cells grow healthily.
Orange juice helps reduce inflammation in the body.
Orange juice contains potassium which helps stabilize blood pressure and support the heart.
This drink also reduces the risk of diabetes.

Does drinking orange juice increase height?
Does drinking orange juice increase height?

2. Does drinking orange juice increase height?

According to research by experts, children who regularly drink orange juice will grow taller than normal children, because:
The calcium content in orange juice may be higher than in some types of milk or dairy products. Calcium is an essential ingredient for height growth.
Orange juice is rich in vitamin C, which not only helps improve resistance but also supports the production of a collagen precursor called pro-collagen, helping the body have a strong skeletal system. Besides, vitamin C also helps strengthen bones and joints, protecting them from external risk factors.
Because pure orange juice contains about 40mg of calcium/100g, drinking a glass of orange juice about 280g will provide the body with about 35% of the calcium needed each day, helping to strengthen bones and effectively develop height.
Phosphorus contained in orange juice also supports height growth. Failure to supplement the necessary amount of phosphorus will lead to rickets and slow growth.
Orange juice contains vitamin A which helps participate in the production of new bone cells, supporting bone length.
Potassium in orange juice helps prevent osteoporosis, improves bone strength, thereby helping height develop optimally.
Up to 60% of magnesium exists in bones, which helps transport calcium to bone cells and convert vitamin D to active form. It is necessary to fully supplement both calcium and magnesium to effectively increase height. Therefore, drinking orange juice is a convenient and quick choice when orange juice contains all of these two ingredients.
Drinking orange juice helps improve health but cannot replace the roles of calcium and vitamin D in height growth. To know more about nutrition to support height for children, refer to height increasing milk for children under 10 years old from HIUP.

3. Other benefits of drinking orange juice

Thanks to the important ingredients in orange juice, this drink not only helps increase height but it also brings many other benefits such as:

3.1. Helps reduce the risk of heart disease

Eating an orange every day is enough to provide you with 51% of your body’s need for vitamin C. Research has also shown that incorporating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C in the diet helps reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Besides, the hesperidin and diosmin found in oranges also reduce cholesterol levels and factors that affect heart disease.

3.2. Reduce appetite

Orange juice contains the soluble fiber pectin, which reduces cravings and helps you feel full longer. However, to get the most out of this benefit, combine orange juice with a scientific and balanced diet.

3.3. Limit kidney stones

With natural citric acid content, orange juice helps regulate urine pH, thereby effectively preventing kidney stones. Every day you only need to add half a cup (125ml) of orange juice per day to meet the body’s necessary citric acid needs.

3.4. Prevent anemia

Anemia can be the result of insufficient iron intake from meat, fish, etc. You can replace animal protein sources with plant sources such as oranges to contribute to supplementing this important mineral.

3.5. Strengthens the digestive system

Oranges contain about 10% carbohydrates, mainly in the form of soluble fiber and simple sugars. In which pectin is the main soluble fiber that helps strengthen the digestive system as well as intestinal health.
Does drinking orange juice increase height?
Does drinking orange juice increase height?

3.6. Brings healthy and beautiful skin

Vitamin C plays an important role in replenishing collagen and supporting skin structure, helping to regenerate skin and protect skin from the harmful effects of sunlight, pollution or aging.

3.7. Asthma prevention

If you have asthma, supplementing with vitamin C combined with other nutrients when you have a cold will limit the risk of flare-ups. In addition, vitamin C also benefits people with bronchial hypersensitivity during colds by reducing symptoms and improving respiratory health.

3.8. Improve immune system

Vitamin C and natural antioxidants found in orange juice not only strengthen the immune system but also help fight factors harmful to health.
In addition to providing vitamins and nutrients from orange juice, exposure to sound waves is also said to affect height growth. Let’s learn more about how sound waves can affect height growth in the next article “Do sound waves increase height?”

4. Be careful when drinking orange juice to increase height

Drinking orange juice offers many different benefits. However, to drink effectively to increase height quickly, you need to note the following:
Although orange juice is very good for the body, if you drink too much it will cause side effects such as: excess vitamin C, diarrhea, loss of appetite, nutritional imbalance, etc. Therefore, adults should drink about 200ml of water. oranges every day, but children should only drink 100ml a day.
The best time to drink orange juice is about 1-2 hours after breakfast or lunch. Do not drink orange juice when hungry or in the evening, it will cause a constant urge to urinate. In addition, if the body does not use up all the minerals, it will cause excess, increasing the risk of kidney stones.
Orange juice is acidic, so when using functional foods or medications, you should wait about 2 hours before drinking orange juice.
Orange juice containing vitamin C, if combined with pentavenlent arsenic in seafood, can be harmful to the body. Therefore, avoid drinking orange juice at the same time as eating seafood.
You should not drink orange juice on an empty stomach because it will affect the stomach, causing heartburn and the risk of stomach ulcers.
You should not drink milk with orange juice because milk contains protein, combined with tartaric acid in orange juice will lead to diarrhea, stomach pain and bloating.
You should not leave orange juice for too long before drinking it because it does not ensure food safety and hygiene.
There are some cases where you should not drink orange juice: after surgery, when you have kidney stones.
Do not drink orange juice with radishes.
Does drinking orange juice increase height?
Does drinking orange juice increase height?

5. How many oranges should you eat per day?

Although oranges contain nutrients, if you eat too many oranges in a day, your body may experience stomach pain, intestinal pain, indigestion, nausea, etc. Therefore, nutrition experts have recommended the amount of oranges to eat. as follows:
Children under 6 years old should only eat 1 orange a day.
Children from 6-12 years old can eat 2 oranges a day.
People over 12 years old can eat up to 3 oranges per day.
This is the amount of orange needed to supplement vitamin C, calcium and other minerals necessary for the body. Therefore, every day you should supplement a certain amount of oranges, combined with a healthy diet to bring the best results!
So does drinking orange juice increase height? The answer is that orange juice is very good for height development in children. Therefore, remember to pocket the tips shared by HIUP above to maximize the benefits of orange juice for your health!
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