Top 12 fruits with the highest calorie content. When talking about fruit and its nutritional content, parents will probably immediately think of vitamins and fiber. However, that is not all. In addition to vitamins and fiber, some fruits also have a very high calorie content, not inferior to meat, fish or cereals. So which fruits are high in calories? Let’s find out in the following article.
1. High-calorie fruits help you gain weight quickly
Fruit is a delicious food, suitable for many people’s preferences. Along with that, the variety and cheap price make adding calories through fruit easier than ever. Below are high-calorie fruits that help children supplement nutrition and gain weight effectively.
Bananas are the top calorie-rich fruits among fruits. According to research from Harvard University, one banana contains up to 110 kcal. This is a significant amount of calories that parents should not ignore. There are many ways to take advantage of the abundant calories from bananas, such as eating them directly, blending smoothies, making ice cream, cakes, etc.
In addition to calories, bananas are also rich in potassium, carbohydrates, sugar, protein… These are nutrients that help the body maintain energy and help blood circulation occur better.
Avocados have long been known as the “nutrition queen”, among the top calorie-dense fruits. An avocado is usually about 7 – 20cm long, with a thin skin that is dark green or almost black. When the avocado is ripe, the flesh inside is soft, yellow, and has a light sweet taste.
Avocado is very rich in calories, one avocado provides up to 370 calories – an outstandingly high number. Parents can supplement calories from avocado for their children in many ways, the most common of which is eating it directly for breakfast, making it into smoothies or avocado ice cream… These dishes are all very delicious and easy to prepare.
One avocado (about 200g) provides the following nutrients:
Protein: 2.9g
Fat: 29.7g
Starch: 13.8g
Vitamin C: 12mg
If we talk about calorie-rich fruits, we cannot ignore coconut. Not only water, coconut meat is considered a part with many nutritional values that are very good for health. In particular, the pulp contains high calories, suitable for people who want to gain weight safely and effectively.
Specifically, according to data from the US Department of Agriculture, 100 grams of coconut water contains up to 18.9 calories and 100 grams of coconut meat will contain about 48 calories. Similar to bananas and avocados, parents can get calories from coconut in many ways. In addition to eating the pulp and drinking coconut water directly, you can prepare a variety of coconut dishes to avoid feeling bored. Such as coconut sticky rice ice cream, braised meat with coconut flesh, fresh young coconut pudding…
One coconut (about 240ml of coconut water) will provide:
Energy: 45 calories
Protein: 2.4g
Fat: 2.6g
Starch: 9.6g
Vitamin C: 2.4mg
In addition to calories, coconut meat also has a lot of manganese that helps enzymes work effectively, promoting fat metabolism. At the same time, it also supports bone formation and protects cardiovascular health.
Therefore, in addition to drinking coconut water, parents should take advantage of coconut meat to supplement calories and nutrients for their children.
When mentioning the nutritional content of oranges, parents often immediately think of vitamin C content. However, oranges also contain a lot of calories, for every 100 grams of fresh fruit there will be up to 47 kcal. Meanwhile, an orange usually weighs about 250 grams, so it will be equivalent to about 90 kcal.
Mango is also on the list of fruits that contain a lot of calories, foods that help replenish energy very well. According to research, 100 grams of ripe mango contains 60 kcal, while 100 grams of green mango will contain 50 kcal. Thus, depending on the ripeness and weight of the mango, the amount of calories in the mango varies.
One ripe mango contains:
Energy 99 calories
Protein 1.4 grams
Fat 6 gr
Starch 25 gr
Vitamin C
Mangoes have an eye-catching yellow color and taste sour or sweet depending on the type. In addition to eating directly, parents help their children absorb calories from mangoes by making desserts such as smoothies, milkshakes, ice cream, yogurt…
The next top calorie-dense fruit is watermelon. A watermelon has 46 – 145 kcal depending on weight. As follows:
1 watermelon weighing 2.5 – 4 kg has 74 – 121.6 kcal.
A 150gr piece of watermelon will contain about 45.6 kcal.
1 glass of watermelon juice will have about 46 kcal.
1 cup of watermelon smoothie has 145 kcal depending on the ingredients combined.
In addition to calories, watermelon contains a lot of vitamin C, vitamin A, B6 along with many minerals, antioxidants… good for health. Furthermore, this fruit is also a cooling food that helps support heat clearing and effective detoxification.
Pineapple or Pineapple is a typical tropical fruit with a delicious and attractive flavor. Pineapple has a lot of water, is sweet and especially contains a lot of calories. 165 grams of fresh pineapple can contain up to 82.5 kcal. Therefore, on average, 1 pineapple will have 55 kcal. For every 300 ml of pineapple juice, 250 grams of fresh pineapple will be used, so the calorie content will be 130 kcal.
Pineapple is also rich in vitamins B6, A, C, E. In addition, it also has abundant iron, calcium, zinc, and manganese content. Especially the Bromelain compound helps prevent cancer and reduce inflammation. All of these nutrients are essential for body development, anti-oxidation, promoting metabolism and helping to gain healthy weight.
One slice of pineapple (about 100g) provides the following nutrients:
Energy: 52 calories
Protein: 0.9g
Fat: 0.3g
Starch: 13.1g
Vitamin C: 48mg
Manganese: 76% DV
Sapoche (sapodilla fruit) is very succulent, ovoid, spherical or elongated. In Oriental Medicine, this fruit has cooling properties, providing very useful laxative and thirst-quenching effects. In terms of nutritional composition, this is one of the fruits with high calorie content and is chosen by many parents.
Every 100 grams of sapodilla will contain about 80 kcal. Therefore, if this fruit weighs about 50 grams, it will contain 40 calories. Adding this fruit to the menu will bring abundant nutrition to children.
One sapoche fruit (about 200g) provides the following nutrients:
Energy: 163 calories
Protein: 1.5g
Fat: 2.8g
Starch: 37.7g
Vitamin C: 26mg
Iron: 1.5 mg
In addition, sapodilla fruit contains many nutrients such as fat, fiber, protein, vitamins, calcium…
In the process of learning about a suitable diet for maintaining weight and health, understanding foods and nutritional sources is very important. For those interested in increasing height, proper nutritional supplementation also plays an undeniable role.
However, it is not only necessary to pay attention to the type of food but also to choosing appropriate nutritional sources. That is why choosing products such as “height growth powder milk” becomes important in children’s nutrition regimen.
2. Dry fruits are rich in calories for those who want to gain weight
In addition to fresh fruits, dried fruits are also rich in nutrients, helping to gain weight effectively and quickly. Especially the following types:
Prunes are one of the high-calorie dried fruits that parents should not ignore. This fruit contains a lot of nutrients that are good for health. First of all, it is high in calories, every 100 grams of dried plums contain up to 240 calories. Compared to fresh plums, the calorie content of dried plums is significantly higher.
Dried plums are also rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins, beneficial fats… Besides, it also contains potassium, manganese, calcium, lutein, beta-carotene… In addition to helping to gain weight, dried plums also help improve the immune system. Digestive, good for bones, limits osteoporosis, balances cholesterol.
Thanks to improving constipation and helping the intestines function better, when children eat this fruit, they will gain weight effectively. When using dried plums, children can eat them directly or combine them with fruits, baked goods, salads… to increase appetite.
Dried apricots
The next calorie-rich and healthy fruit is dried apricots. Although it has undergone drying, the nutritional value inside this fruit has not been reduced. Even compared to fresh fruit, the energy value of dried apricots is much higher because the natural sugar has been concentrated. 100 grams of dried apricots contain 241.2 kcal – a number worth paying attention to.
The next calorie-rich and healthy fruit is dried apricots. Although it has undergone drying, the nutritional value inside this fruit has not been reduced. Even compared to fresh fruit, the energy value of dried apricots is much higher because the natural sugar has been concentrated. 100 grams of dried apricots contain 241.2 kcal – a number worth paying attention to.
In addition, this product is also rich in potassium, vitamins A, C, E, iron and fiber. That’s why eating this fruit regularly will help treat anemia, reduce constipation, support diabetes…
Raisins are the leading name among high-calorie fruits. About 100 grams of American raisins (high quality ones on the market) contain 300 calories. Meanwhile, we should only consume about 2000 kcal per day, so if children are fed raisins regularly, children will gain weight significantly.
However, raisins are also very high in sugar. Eating too much will lead to high blood sugar levels. Therefore, to ensure health, experts recommend eating only about 15 grams per day.
With this dish, parents can feed their children directly or combine it with yogurt, oatmeal… both are good.
Among the list of calorie-rich fruits is raspberries (another name is raspberries). Thanks to its diverse and abundant nutritional source, it is classified as a superfood and is safe for blood sugar.
This berry when dried is rich in calories. 220 grams of fresh raspberries contain up to 52 kcal. Therefore, it is considered a medicine for health, one of the fruits that helps gain weight and supports medical problems.
Above are high-calorie fruits that parents can refer to and save to supplement their children’s diet. These are all delicious and easy to eat foods that can stimulate children to use them and gain weight effectively. Hopefully the nutritional information that HIUP shares above will be useful in the journey of raising tall and healthy children.
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